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Consulting department is focused on helping internal teams and other clients in space with our multi-chain expertise.


We are offering various services based on the Engineering team skillset, benefits for the team and ChainSafe, company strategy and marketing value, and impact on the community.

Solidity Audits

Deploying smart contracts containing millions of dollars is a daunting task. Our team of Solidity auditors, composed of whitehats and smart contract engineers, all of whom have deep hands-on experience with Solidity, will do their best to identify vulnerabilities and enhance the code quality of your solidity smart contracts.

You can find our published reports on GitHub:

Custom software development

We offer the development of products and/or features by a team of experts at ChainSafe. This includes integration with various services and blockchains. At the end of the project, we would deliver clean and readable code along with tests and CI/CD pipelines. Our teams offer experience in various languages and blockchains like:

  • Rust
  • Go
  • Typescript
  • Ethereum
  • Polkadot/Substrate
  • Filecoin
  • and many more...

Ideal for clients who either have an idea and a need for a team to realize it or clients that wanna help with areas for which they don’t have enough of their resources.

Metamask snaps

Metamask snaps is an upcoming feature that allows anyone to write custom plugins for Metamask. A most obvious application is adding multichain support to Metamask. As pioneers in snap development, we already have plenty of experience developing snaps and services related to it. We already developed a few snaps for major blockchains like:


This service involves maintaining of software we delivered so it remains functional and up-to-date.

Ideal for clients that have critical and an important infrastructure developed by us which needs to remain operational.